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  • {"google":["Montserrat"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Kukdetopokki"]}
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  • Description and composition

    Liporase, also knowns as Hyaluronidase, is a tissue modifier indicated as an adjuvant in subcutaneous fluid administration for achieving hydration, to increase the dispersion and absorption of other injected drugs, and in subcutaneous urography for improving resorption of radiopaque agents

    It is released in the form of a lyophilized powder in 5 ml. vials. Product is available for purchase in packages – 10 pieces in each. The active component is a depolymerizing enzyme hyaluronidase, an activity of 1500 c.u. Products containing hyaluronidase are intended for correcting unsuccessful results of beauty injections and for solving some other esthetic problems

    Main advantages

    Makes penetration of injection easy when subcutaneous injection, intramuscular injection or local anesthetics are injected under the skin to improves capability of absorbing excessive body fluid or blood in human organs

    1. 1. High quality and safety
    2. 2. Provides a possibility to remove some part of filler after contour correction procedures
    3. 3. Efficiently removes some scar formations without surgical interference
    {"google":["Noto Sans KR"],"custom":[]}{"google":["Montserrat","Roboto","PT Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Kukdetopokki"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}